Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox provide a powerful way to display summary measures from your data and assess the status of an action against a target or comparison value. They were introduced with version 2023.2 and expanded Canvas capabilities to another level. These visually engaging KPI Cards allow users to track and communicate progress toward measurable goals easily. In order to start using them you need to create a new Canvas type of report in the Report Manager. After that, from the left side, you will be able to see the Components section. Format Tab When you add a KPI Card to your Canvas, a dialogue box with two tabs appears on the right side of the screen. The Format tab allows you to customize properties such as name, width, padding, margin, background colour, and radius. Moreover, the Format tab's lower section allows you to personalize the font style and alignment of different sections within the KPI Card, such as Title, Value, and Comparison. Data...
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Jedox ComboBox: Presenting Future Dates with Ease

Jedox ComboBox: Presenting Future Dates with Ease

Jedox, the versatile business intelligence and performance management solution, offers a range of features to streamline data analysis and visualization. In this article, we'll dive into the capabilities of Jedox ComboBox and explore how it can be used to present future dates in a user-friendly manner. We'll guide you through a step-by-step process to leverage this functionality, opening up new possibilities for data exploration and decision-making. So let's get started! As a pre-requirement, we will need a Day dimension in some of your databases. Step by Step: Presenting Future Dates in Jedox ComboBox 1: Retrieve the Current Date using TODAY(). 2: Convert the Current Date to the Day Dimension Format. 3: Return the DayValue Attribute: In this step, we retrieve the DayValue attribute, which represents the current date in integer format. 4: Set a Named Range for Attribute Filtering: We establish a named range in Jedox, which allows us to conveniently filter the DayValue attribute. 5: Create a ComboBox and Apply the Attribute Filter. 6: Get...
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Utilizing Multi-Selection Elements from Listbox

Utilizing Multi-Selection Elements from Listbox

Listboxes are an essential feature in Jedox, a powerful business intelligence and performance management solution. They allow users to select multiple elements simultaneously, enabling dynamic analysis and reporting. This article will explore how multi-selected elements from Listbox can be effectively used in dynaranges, subsets, and Palo formulas. We will also demonstrate how formulas can automatically sum the values from the selected elements, providing enhanced functionality for data analysis. Understanding Multi-Selection Listboxes Listboxes in Jedox provide a dropdown list of elements that users can choose from. By enabling the multi-selection feature, users can select multiple elements simultaneously, offering flexibility in data analysis. This allows for creating dynamic reports and calculations based on specific selections. We will present 3 use cases where you can see how Multi-Selection elements can be utilized: Leveraging Palo Formulas for Automatic Summation Palo is the powerful multidimensional database engine that underlies Jedox. With multi-selected elements from a Listbox, you can enhance Palo formulas to automatically sum the values from the selected elements....
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Geocharts visualisation in Jedox

Geocharts visualisation in Jedox

In today's post, we'll explore the world of geocharts and how they can enhance your data visualization capabilities in Jedox. Specifically, we'll dive into using geocharts from Google and discuss how to leverage the Google API key to unlock their potential. What are Geocharts? Geocharts are powerful visual representations of data that allow you to display information on a geographic map. With just a few lines of code, you can transform your data into an interactive map. This helps you identify patterns, trends, and correlations across different regions. Why Use Geocharts in Jedox? Jedox, a BI and EPM platform, provides a wealth of features for data analysis and visualization. Geocharts offer a layer of insight, enabling you to explore data geographically and gain a deeper understanding of regional variations. Getting Started with Geocharts and Google API Key: To utilize Geocharts in Jedox, we'll need to integrate the Google Charts API, which powers these visualizations. Before we proceed, you'll need a Google API key,...
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Jedox Datepicker 101: Creating Flexible Dynamic Ranges for Data Analysis

Jedox Datepicker 101: Creating Flexible Dynamic Ranges for Data Analysis

One of the features of Jedox is the Datepicker, a user-friendly interface that allows you to select dates, periods, and other parameters to filter and analyze your data. In this article, we'll show you how to create a dynamic range between two dates using the Jedox Datepicker. A dynamic range is a flexible range that automatically adjusts to include new data, and it can be a powerful tool for analyzing trends and making predictions. Before we create a report you need to prepare the following things: Create a Day dimension using a Day template Create additional attribute DayValue2 Create a rule which duplicates data from DayValue to DayValue2 Datepicker RULE After this is done let us create the spreadsheet report: Add two data pickers Add their values in the sheet and save them as a namerange Attribute Add Dyna range and in the Attribute, section use the variable "Attribute" =PALO.SUBSET("localhost/Datepicker","Day",1,,,,,PALO.AFILTER(Attribute,0,{true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true}),,PALO.SORT(1,0,,0,,0,0,,)) Save it and you are ready to go. This will now provide a more flexible and customizable approach to data analysis...
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How to use hyperlinks in Jedox?

How to use hyperlinks in Jedox?

In a Jedox, a hyperlink (or link) is an item like a word or button that points to another location. When you click on a link, the link will take you to the target of the link, which may be another report, excel document, or other online content. There are two possibilities to create a hyperlink in Hedox: Searching the hyperlink in functions Clicking on the right click and selecting the hyperlink icon Hyperlink function The syntax for the function is HYPERLINK(link_location, friendly_name, screen_tip, source1, destination1[, source2, destination2, …]). link_location - > here we can define where will our link takes us to. It can be on the same page "#SELF", different sheet "[SELF]Sheet2!A1", a particular report "//Demo Spreadsheets/Demos/Bikers Best/Navigation/Bikers Best Navigation" or a web page like "". friendly_name - > How will link the world to the outside world <Link Friendly Name> Tool_tip -> What is visible when covering the link? In case you don't want to see any addresses or strings just...
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Creation and last login time of the Jedox user

Creation and last login time of the Jedox user

In this article we will show you how to pull the report will all your users and their creation and last login time. This could be useful in case you are wondering which of your users actually use Jedox and utilize the "Free seat" license. In case you are interested more in how licensing in Jedox works you can check it out here. As we learned in some of the previous articles details about Users can be found in the System database and _USER_USER_PROPERTIES cube. SO therefore we will paste a view with this information: As you can see both data values are stored in Serial number time of date. Example: =DATEVALUE("01-02-2015") returns Unix time stamp 1420156800, which represents 02-Jan-2015 (=60*60*24*16437 seconds since 1.1.1970). Obviously, we will need to convert these values into something more readable. There are two ways to do it: Convert from UNIX to normal date using excel formula =(A1/86400)+DATE(1970,1,1) Option to convert the value with Rule. For this option, I suggest...
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Ascending and Descending sorting in Jedox

Ascending and Descending sorting in Jedox

In this blog post, you will be able to learn how to create ascending and descending sorting in Jedox based on the data value. This type of sorting is very valuable in cases when the end-users would like to make an analysis based on the best, worst-performing product, country, or customer. It can be combined with a top 10 analysis as well. This type of report we already covered in this post. As you are probably guessing, we will be heavily relying on the subset for this example. Our goal will be to create a report where the same data can be sorted based on 3 measures (Sales, Cost of Sales and Units). Ascending and Descending sorting will be based on countries. Like always, Biker's best will be our testing database. In our subset, we can see that sorting will be using PALO.D and there we will read from the orders cube. Only 10 countries will be selected and in the sort...
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How to work with the stylesheet

How to work with the stylesheet

In this article, we will show you how to import different stylesheet examples inside your report. In order to do this, we will use the stylesheet example given by Jedox which can be downloaded here. If you don't know how to create a model check this article. After that follow the next steps: Step 1: Download the design system model from here: Step 2: Export the DS Stylesheets report from the "//Models/Design System Templates/Configuration Reports/DS Stylesheet.wss" folder in the report designer. Step 3: Import the report into your instance Step 4: Configure the styles based on client requirements in the report by modifying them individually as described here: Step 5: Save the stylesheet report and tag it as a resource Step 6: Insert the tagged stylesheets report as a resource in the client report where you want to apply the styles Step 7: Use the styles in the client report. ...
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Excel functions in Jedox export  – Part 1

Excel functions in Jedox export – Part 1

While doing different projects we noticed that one of the repeating requirements is to export the Jedox report in Excel and then perform some additional analysis. As you know from before there are a few ways to export to excel. xlsx - standard export xlsx_snapshot - standard snapshot export xlsx_olap_snapshot - OLAP snapshot export In the case of xlsx export, data will be downloaded as a constant value. In this article, we will show you how to use the famous Excel function SUM incorporated in dynaranges. How to create a button for exporting in Excel? SUM in Jedox dynarange Imagine that we have two sheets. The first one contains data in Dynarage which could be editable when exported to excel. The second sheet supposes to read all changes from the first one and sum it up accordingly. In order to do that we will need to set up some steps: Create name range for Products and for considered data. Remember: it is important to select one row before and after dynarange. Create SUM function in the...
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