HTML custom meter bar in Jedox

HTML custom meter bar in Jedox

Jedox is a powerful tool for spreadsheet-based planning, analysis, and reporting. One of its features is the ability to customize spreadsheets using HTML and CSS, allowing users to create visually appealing and interactive dashboards directly within their Jedox environment. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating HTML and CSS code into your Jedox spreadsheets, enabling you to design stunning visualizations and enhance the user experience. Step 1: Setting Up Your Jedox Spreadsheet First, open your Jedox environment and navigate to the spreadsheet where you want to implement custom styling. Create a new worksheet or open an existing one where you'd like to add visual elements. Step 2: Adding HTML and CSS Code Once you've selected your worksheet, you can start adding HTML and CSS code to customize its appearance. For example, let's say you want to create a meter bar to track project completion or budget consumption %. You can use the following code: <style> meter { ...
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Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Are you looking for an efficient way to manage and organize your reports in Jedox? This guide will explore how to export folders and files from Jedox Report Designer and transform them into a dynamic dimension of elements within the Modeler. By leveraging the paths as attributes, we can create an easily navigable system to represent all reports in the Jedox environment, enhancing user experience and productivity. Export the project from here. Exporting Folders and Files from Jedox Report Designer Organize Your Reports: Ensure your reports are systematically organized within the Jedox Report Designer for exporting. Export Data to Modeler: Utilize the ETL Integrator to transfer folders and file names as dimension elements to the Modeler. Check the project for the details. Creating a Dimension with File Paths as Attributes Set Up the Dimension: In the Modeler, create a new dimension with the exported file paths as attributes, allowing for a representation of the report structure. Configure Attribute Settings: Customize the attribute settings to ensure navigation and...
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Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox

Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox

Are you new to Jedox and want to learn how to create eye-catching charts for your reports? Combo charts in Jedox are a great way to present data that combines different types of information, and they are especially helpful when you want to visualize data in a simple and engaging way. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a combo chart in Jedox, and we'll explore the types of reports where this chart can be particularly useful. What is a Combo Chart? A combo chart in Jedox combines two different types of charts in one visual representation. You can have one chart type, such as columns or bars, representing one set of data, and another chart type, like a line chart, representing a different set of data on the same graph. This combination allows you to compare data sets that might have different scales or units of measurement. Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox Prepare Your Data: Make sure...
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Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox provide a powerful way to display summary measures from your data and assess the status of an action against a target or comparison value. They were introduced with version 2023.2 and expanded Canvas capabilities to another level. These visually engaging KPI Cards allow users to track and communicate progress toward measurable goals easily. In order to start using them you need to create a new Canvas type of report in the Report Manager. After that, from the left side, you will be able to see the Components section. Format Tab When you add a KPI Card to your Canvas, a dialogue box with two tabs appears on the right side of the screen. The Format tab allows you to customize properties such as name, width, padding, margin, background colour, and radius. Moreover, the Format tab's lower section allows you to personalize the font style and alignment of different sections within the KPI Card, such as Title, Value, and Comparison. Data...
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Creation and last login time of the Jedox user

Creation and last login time of the Jedox user

In this article we will show you how to pull the report will all your users and their creation and last login time. This could be useful in case you are wondering which of your users actually use Jedox and utilize the "Free seat" license. In case you are interested more in how licensing in Jedox works you can check it out here. As we learned in some of the previous articles details about Users can be found in the System database and _USER_USER_PROPERTIES cube. SO therefore we will paste a view with this information: As you can see both data values are stored in Serial number time of date. Example: =DATEVALUE("01-02-2015") returns Unix time stamp 1420156800, which represents 02-Jan-2015 (=60*60*24*16437 seconds since 1.1.1970). Obviously, we will need to convert these values into something more readable. There are two ways to do it: Convert from UNIX to normal date using excel formula =(A1/86400)+DATE(1970,1,1) Option to convert the value with Rule. For this option, I suggest...
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Removing extra space in the Jedox report

Removing extra space in the Jedox report

Jedox spreedshets are powerfull place for your analysis. Since it is based on Excel funcionality some side effects can occure as well. One of this sideeffects is extra space in the report which cause higher memory usage. It could be identified if the report size is unusally high and performance while opening is extremelly low. (Example 250kb.) In order to fix it and decrease the size / increase the performance you will need to do the following set of actions: Click on the row under which it is nothing developed. (In this case 30th) Select A30:IV65356 and hit ENTER Delete all selected lines Tadaaaa!!! the new report is now of the proper size. More about Jedox Reports....
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