Utilizing Multi-Selection Elements from Listbox

Utilizing Multi-Selection Elements from Listbox

Listboxes are an essential feature in Jedox, a powerful business intelligence and performance management solution. They allow users to select multiple elements simultaneously, enabling dynamic analysis and reporting. This article will explore how multi-selected elements from Listbox can be effectively used in dynaranges, subsets, and Palo formulas. We will also demonstrate how formulas can automatically sum the values from the selected elements, providing enhanced functionality for data analysis. Understanding Multi-Selection Listboxes Listboxes in Jedox provide a dropdown list of elements that users can choose from. By enabling the multi-selection feature, users can select multiple elements simultaneously, offering flexibility in data analysis. This allows for creating dynamic reports and calculations based on specific selections. We will present 3 use cases where you can see how Multi-Selection elements can be utilized: Leveraging Palo Formulas for Automatic Summation Palo is the powerful multidimensional database engine that underlies Jedox. With multi-selected elements from a Listbox, you can enhance Palo formulas to automatically sum the values from the selected elements....
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Geocharts visualisation in Jedox

Geocharts visualisation in Jedox

In today's post, we'll explore the world of geocharts and how they can enhance your data visualization capabilities in Jedox. Specifically, we'll dive into using geocharts from Google and discuss how to leverage the Google API key to unlock their potential. What are Geocharts? Geocharts are powerful visual representations of data that allow you to display information on a geographic map. With just a few lines of code, you can transform your data into an interactive map. This helps you identify patterns, trends, and correlations across different regions. Why Use Geocharts in Jedox? Jedox, a BI and EPM platform, provides a wealth of features for data analysis and visualization. Geocharts offer a layer of insight, enabling you to explore data geographically and gain a deeper understanding of regional variations. Getting Started with Geocharts and Google API Key: To utilize Geocharts in Jedox, we'll need to integrate the Google Charts API, which powers these visualizations. Before we proceed, you'll need a Google API key,...
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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Jedox with ChatGPT for Enhanced Analytics

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Jedox with ChatGPT for Enhanced Analytics

In today's data-driven world, businesses rely heavily on advanced analytics solutions to gain valuable insights. One such powerful combination is the integration of Jedox, an enterprise planning and business intelligence platform, with ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. This integration opens up new possibilities for organizations, allowing them to leverage the capabilities of both technologies to achieve enhanced analytics and decision-making. Recently Jedox realised the model which showcases this bond. It can be found on the public marketplace and it is available for everyone. In order to work with the model users will need to have their own API key. Documentation of the model explains in detail how to obtain one and how to set it up in Jedox. The model contains 3 parts: 1st part is where you can send the numeric values to the model and ask it for interpretation of values. The goal is to receive a summary of values and it is good for the people who...
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