In today’s post, we’ll explore the world of geocharts and how they can enhance your data visualization capabilities in Jedox. Specifically, we’ll dive into using geocharts from Google and discuss how to leverage the Google API key to unlock their potential.

Geochart Jedox

What are Geocharts? Geocharts are powerful visual representations of data that allow you to display information on a geographic map. With just a few lines of code, you can transform your data into an interactive map. This helps you identify patterns, trends, and correlations across different regions.

Why Use Geocharts in Jedox? Jedox, a BI and EPM platform, provides a wealth of features for data analysis and visualization. Geocharts offer a layer of insight, enabling you to explore data geographically and gain a deeper understanding of regional variations.

Getting Started with Geocharts and Google API Key: To utilize Geocharts in Jedox, we’ll need to integrate the Google Charts API, which powers these visualizations. Before we proceed, you’ll need a Google API key, which allows access to the necessary resources.

  1. Obtain a Google API Key: Visit the Google Developers Console and create a new project. Enable the “Google Charts API” and generate an API key for your project. This key will authenticate your requests to the Google API.
  2. Linking the Google Charts API in Jedox: Insert the appropriate script tag provided by the Google Charts API documentation, making sure to replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with your actual API key.

Creating Geocharts in Jedox

Now that the Google API key is set up, we can start building geocharts in Jedox. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Prepare Your Data: Ensure your data is properly structured and contains the necessary geographical information. For example, if you’re exploring country-level data, each row should include a country code or name.
  2. Load the Google Charts Library: In your Jedox report or dashboard, include the required JavaScript libraries provided by Google Charts. This step ensures the necessary functions and methods are available for creating geocharts.
  3. Configure the Geochart Options: Set up the desired options for your geochart, such as the region or continent hierarchy, color scheme, and interaction capabilities. Refer to the Google Charts API documentation for a comprehensive list of available options.
  4. Retrieve Data from Jedox: Utilize Jedox’s data retrieval capabilities, such as subset queries or specific data functions, to fetch the required data for your geochart. Ensure the data is in a format that can be easily consumed by the Google Charts API.
  5. Populate the Geochart: Combine the retrieved data with the geochart options and use the Google Charts API functions to populate your geochart. Customize the appearance, labels, and tooltips to enhance the user experience.

Examples in Jedox

Here we will show an example in our spreadsheet (Countries):

The left part of the screen represents Dynarange with the data of countries coming up from the BikerBest database. On the right, you can see the widget representing a map zoomed to Europe that harnesses the data from the left. In case you would like to zoom it to some other region, you would need to use a different code.

Here we have “150” for Europe but other regions you can find here.

Geochart codes

Similarly, we can also present one country and cities inside. The only difference is to use Markers instead of Regions.

Geochart Cities

The example can be found here. Don’t forget to add your API key in the YOUR_API_KEY part.

Geocharts offer a way to visualize data geographically, empowering you to uncover meaningful insights in Jedox. By integrating the Google Charts API and leveraging your API key, you can seamlessly create stunning geocharts that resonate with your audience. Start exploring the world of geocharts today and unlock the full potential of your data in Jedox!

We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into geocharts in Jedox and how to utilize the Google API key effectively. Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials and tips on!

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