Connection to OneDrive

Connection to OneDrive

This week we will talk about how can Jedox connect to OneDrive. OneDrive is a cloud storage service developed by Microsoft, allowing users to store files and photos securely online, accessible from any device with an internet connection. It integrates with Microsoft Office applications and offers collaboration features for sharing and editing documents in real time. We will showcase two ways of doing it, with a username and password and with a token connection. Connecting with Username and Password This method is less secure but allows users to simply access the files. Upload the file you would like to access from Jedox and specify the path: It is important to know your Azure application ID. you can request it from your IT department or in case you have access to your application Azure find it here: Now, if you test your connection to file it should be successful. Connecting via Token Connection As for the first case, you will need to have existing credentials to access the...
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How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

In today's data-driven world, integrating various systems and services is essential for efficient data management and analysis. Connecting Amazon S3, a powerful cloud storage service, with Jedox, a leading enterprise planning and analytics platform, can streamline data workflows and enhance decision-making processes. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up a REST connection between Amazon S3 and Jedox. Prerequisites Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites: Amazon Account Creation: If you haven't already, sign up for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account here. Creating an S3 Bucket: Log in to the AWS Management Console and create a bucket in Amazon S3 to store your data. Generating a Policy: Generate a policy in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define permissions for accessing the S3 bucket. Uploading a File to the Bucket: Upload a file to the S3 bucket to test the connection. Creating a Role: Create an IAM role to grant access to AWS resources. Creating a REST API: Set...
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Connection to Google Sheets

Connection to Google Sheets

In today's data-driven world, integration between different platforms is essential for efficient workflow management and data analysis. With the latest integration of Google Sheets within Jedox with version 24.1, users can now combine the power of Jedox's data management and analytics capabilities with the collaborative features of Google Sheets. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the steps to set up this integration and harness its full potential. Setting Up Google Cloud Project The first step in integrating Google Sheets with Jedox is to create a Google Account if you don't have one already. Then, head over to Google Cloud Console ( and create a new project. Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID Once the project is created navigate to the Credentials section in your Google Cloud Console and create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret. Make sure to specify the authorized UI as to generate Refresh and Access Tokens. Generating Tokens with OAuth 2.0 Playground Utilize the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground to...
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Integrating Jedox Reports from Excel to PowerPoint

Integrating Jedox Reports from Excel to PowerPoint

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to integrate Jedox reports from Excel into PowerPoint presentations, allowing for dynamic and effortless updates. Step 1: Creating a Paste View with the Jedox Add-in for Excel Rescently, Jedox released a new Excel 365 Add-in which allows you to read and analyze data from your Jedox instance and store values and comments to the Jedox In-Memory Database while using Excel 365 desktop or browser, without requiring local installation, simplifying deployment and access to the latest features. So to begin, open Excel and ensure you have the Jedox Add-in installed. If you haven’t already installed it, you can find detailed instructions on how to do so here. Once the add-in is installed, navigate to the data you want to include in your PowerPoint presentation. With the Jedox Add-in, you can easily create a Paste View by selecting the desired area of your spreadsheet. This Paste View serves as a snapshot of your data that can...
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Embed Power BI reports in the Jedox

Embed Power BI reports in the Jedox

Last time we learned how to connect Jedox with Power BI via oData and how to utilize the Jedox planning capability in the Power BI Dashboard. Today, we go another direction and present the case where we will show how to embed Power BI reports inside the Jedox. In the realm of business intelligence, using the power of multiple tools can lead to unparalleled insights. In this guide, we'll explore the integration of Power BI reports into Jedox, unlocking a synergy that amplifies your analytical capabilities. Follow these straightforward steps to embed a Power BI report into your Jedox environment: Step 1: Create a Power BI Dashboard Begin by logging into your Power BI account and crafting a comprehensive dashboard that encapsulates the data you wish to analyze. Ensure that the visuals and insights align with your business objectives, offering a clear representation of the information you aim to convey. Step 2: Embed the Power BI Report Once your Power BI dashboard is polished, navigate...
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Loading GPS Coordinates – Jedox XML Connection

Loading GPS Coordinates – Jedox XML Connection

Happy New Year, fellow Jedox enthusiasts! In today's article, we'll be delving into an interesting use case: extracting GPS coordinates in XML format from the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API ( This adventure will involve using a constant table as a source for countries and cities, interacting with the Nominatim API to retrieve latitude and longitude data, and finally looping and storing this valuable information in the Jedox database. This type of use case is often visible when our cube contains a Geography dimension and then we would like to enhance attribute collection by additional parameters like latitude and longitude. These are very useful in case you would like to create a widget map. Something similar can be found: Let us follow the next 4 Steps. Step 1: The Constant Table: In Jedox, we'll create a constant table containing a list of countries and cities. This table will serve as our foundation for the XML extraction process. Think of it as a map guiding us...
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Connection to Snowflake ❄️🔄📊

Connection to Snowflake ❄️🔄📊

The upcoming release of Jedox in 2023.3 is set to bring exciting advancements to the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process by introducing a seamless connection to Snowflake, one of the leading cloud data warehousing solutions. With this integration, users can enjoy efficient data handling with two authentication options, enhanced by considerations for roles, warehouses, and databases. After choosing the connection there are certain credentials which need to be added. Authentication Options: Username and Password: This traditional method allows users to authenticate their access to Snowflake by providing their username and password. This secure authentication process ensures that only authorized individuals can access and manipulate data within Snowflake. Private Key Configuration: For those seeking enhanced security, the new connection also supports private key authentication. Users can configure their Snowflake accounts to accept private key authentication, adding an extra layer of protection to their data. The Jedox-Snowflake integration doesn't stop at authentication methods. It also provides valuable features to help manage roles, warehouses, and databases seamlessly: Role: Users...
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Charting New Horizons: Navigating Stock and Commodities Markets with Jedox 📈📊

Charting New Horizons: Navigating Stock and Commodities Markets with Jedox 📈📊

Hello dear Jedox beginners, In this post, we will take an unusual path and instead of connecting to usual business tools, we will try to extract the commodity and stock data. To do that we will connect to free API at Alpha Vantage is a financial data provider that offers a wide range of financial market data and services. It provides access to historical and real-time market data for various asset classes, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex (foreign exchange), and more. At this moment we will focus on commodity data. The connection will be Rest type and the extract will be from JSON. Technical details for commodities API Resource is:${Commodity}&interval=daily&apikey=${API} where API Parameters are ❚ Required: function The function of your choice. In this case, function=BRENT which is crude oil. A list of the commodities will come with the model ❚ Optional: interval By default, interval=monthly. Strings daily, weekly, and monthly are accepted. ❚ Optional: datatype By default, datatype=json. Strings json and csv are accepted with the following specifications: json returns the time series in JSON format; csv returns the time series as a CSV (comma-separated value) file. ❚...
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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Jedox with ChatGPT for Enhanced Analytics

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Jedox with ChatGPT for Enhanced Analytics

In today's data-driven world, businesses rely heavily on advanced analytics solutions to gain valuable insights. One such powerful combination is the integration of Jedox, an enterprise planning and business intelligence platform, with ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. This integration opens up new possibilities for organizations, allowing them to leverage the capabilities of both technologies to achieve enhanced analytics and decision-making. Recently Jedox realised the model which showcases this bond. It can be found on the public marketplace and it is available for everyone. In order to work with the model users will need to have their own API key. Documentation of the model explains in detail how to obtain one and how to set it up in Jedox. The model contains 3 parts: 1st part is where you can send the numeric values to the model and ask it for interpretation of values. The goal is to receive a summary of values and it is good for the people who...
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Connect Jedox Cloud and Power BI

Connect Jedox Cloud and Power BI

To connect Jedox to Power BI, you will need to follow these steps: Make sure that the oData Hub service is running. (check Cloud Console) Obtain the Jedox OData API URL: usually, add odata before the cloud name. Example It is also essential to add a database name at the end. In our case, we will put Biker as a database. Connect to Jedox from Power BI: Here, click on the "Get Data" button in the Home tab, and select "OData Feed" from the list of available data sources. Paste the Jedox OData API URL into the "URL" field, and click "OK" to connect to the Jedox server. Add the username and password. Depending if your team is using SSO choose Windows or Basic for standard Jedox credentials. Import data into Power BI: Once connected to the Jedox server, you can select the Jedox cubes or views you want to import into Power BI. Select the cube or view from the list of available tables,...
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