ERROR: portal “C_1” does not exist

ERROR: portal “C_1” does not exist

Sometimes while loading via Relational load you might stumble upon the following error: Cannot load data into table XXX: ERROR: portal "C_1" does not exist(load New Relational load) Although I am not sure for the real reason of this error, it is worth of looking and Fetch Modes for PostgreSQL. For a PostgreSQL database, you can adjust the fetch mode as follows:Buffered (default): the query result is returned with buffering. In this case, no parallel queries to the same PostgreSQL Server are possible.Full: PostgreSQL returns the query result in one block. This is potentially slower, with higher memory consumption. It should only be set if the connection is used in several components that are processed in parallel during a load, e.g. several PostgreSQL extracts that are joined in a transform, an extract, and a load on the same PostgreSQL connection or when using parallel jobs. (Note that in those cases, if the fetch mode is not set to "full" this might lead to an error...
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IOUtils.setByteArrayMaxOverride() issue

IOUtils.setByteArrayMaxOverride() issue

Upgrading to the 2022.2 version brings more perks and features. One of these is also the IOUtils.setByteArrayMaxOverride() issue. Usually, it comes in this type of form and states that the maximum length for this record type is achieved. The fix is very simple. If you have access to the config file it is necessary to add this line: Afterward, you just need to restart the ETL service and you are ready to go. In case you don't have access, please write to Jedox Cloud Support. ...
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Code: 1 – element not found : unspecified default write element in the dimension

Code: 1 – element not found : unspecified default write element in the dimension

In this article, we will explain what the following error message means and how to deal with it: Code: 1 - element not found : unspecified default write element in dimension This error appears when the user wants to extend his cube with an additional dimension. The problem is that system doesn't know to which element to assign already existing data. If the dimension which needs to be added has more than 1 element that is where the confusion starts. In the below example, we will show how to deal with it. Like always we will use the Demo database: Dimension country is the one which should be added and extend Sales cube. As stated in the error message, there is a necessity to proclaim one default write element so all the data is assigned to it. We can do it here: In the picture above we assigned the element Europe as the Default Write Element. After this action, saving the changed layout of the...
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A session token is missing from the request

A session token is missing from the request

This bug appears when we are trying to upload a cube or dimension from the modeler. To learn more about that you can check here. The error usually looks something like this: One of the possible reasons why this happens could be the size of the file. If the file size is bigger than stated in the configuration file then an error could occur. Definitely, this is not the best error message but I am sure the Jedox Dev team will change this. So, to fix this you will need to change upload_max_filesize to the size you need. After that, a restart of services is required. In case you are on cloud ---> Just write to [email protected] and they will do it for you. In case you are on-premise --->, you will need to go to Jedox/Jedox Suite/httpd/php/php.ini and find the line upload_max_filesize. Then restart the services. ...
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Error while restoring the database

Error while restoring the database

When having two servers that are running on different versions, it could happen that restoring the database backup from a newer one to an older one can lead to an error. In our case, it appeared when trying to restore the database in Modeller from 2021.4 to 2021.2. If you are not familiar with how to restore the database from one server to another without including support, the article can be found here. The process is simple: Log in on your server from where you want to take the database Go to desired database in Modeler Right Click on it and choose Download Database... Go to second server where you want to perform restoring the database activity Right click on it and choose Restore Database... IF the scenario is smooth you are ready to celebrate, but in case it's not (like below) CODE: M_DB3 - zip operation failed : not a valid backup file,subfolders found Perform the following steps: Unzip the database Find folder checksum and remove it Zip it again Try to perform...
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Unable to click save button in Jedox ETL

Unable to click save button in Jedox ETL

Hi Jedox beginners, How many times has it happened that while working on your super complex ETLs, the save button becomes unclickable? It can become really annoying problem, especially if you spent a decent amount of time in front of the PC. Until now, the problem could be solved by: Clicking Test button before and then pop up with "Save button" will appear Log out, delete cache and log in again. Since both solutions bring anxiety to your hands, simple CTRL + S typing on the keyboard is enabling the SAVE button again. Click now and thank us later. ...
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JDX_SID not found

JDX_SID not found

There is a well-known bug in Jedox in which the error pop-up ends with JDX_SID not found. It is usually happening in the extract component of Integrator and it is related to a connection to a file, especially if the file is located in the JedoxFiles folder. The way to resolve this is very simple and it required some adjustments in the config.php file. More about configuration files can be found here. cookie secure flag set to false; //cookie secure flagdefine('CFG_COOKIE_SECURE',false); cookie samesite policy set to "Lax"; (Don't forget to add " " ) //cookie samesite policy('Lax','Strict' or 'None')define('CFG_COOKIE_SAMESITE','Lax'); After making those two changes your extract should be working. The change will take effect after a full-service restart. ...
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Code:104 – Not Found: cannot find requested workbook or worksheet

Code:104 – Not Found: cannot find requested workbook or worksheet

Than the issue is mostlikely related to the return err, where the refresh statement is before the close and message statement: WRONG:   {return array(                 array('actn', 'refreshData'), array('actn','closeWindow'),                                             array('msg', 'STRATOS', 'Info', "Success Message is generated"),                                                );}   This can be fixed by putting the refresh after the message:   CORRECT:   {return array(                                array('actn','closeWindow'),                                                            array('msg', 'STRATOS', 'Info', "                                             array('msg', 'STRATOS', 'Info', "Success Message is generated"), "),                                                            array('actn', 'refreshData')                                                );} ...
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Removing extra space in the Jedox report

Removing extra space in the Jedox report

Jedox spreedshets are powerfull place for your analysis. Since it is based on Excel funcionality some side effects can occure as well. One of this sideeffects is extra space in the report which cause higher memory usage. It could be identified if the report size is unusally high and performance while opening is extremelly low. (Example 250kb.) In order to fix it and decrease the size / increase the performance you will need to do the following set of actions: Click on the row under which it is nothing developed. (In this case 30th) Select A30:IV65356 and hit ENTER Delete all selected lines Tadaaaa!!! the new report is now of the proper size. More about Jedox Reports....
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Locked Dimensions and Cubes

Locked Dimensions and Cubes

Technically speaking this is not a bug but a feature of Jedox software. Jedox has the possibility to lock a specific area of the cube in order to disable additional data entering. The majority of the time users click on this functionality by accident and then owners of the application break the head what went wrong. When the cube is locked, elements cannot be added or deleted. Etls cannot run import as well. The error usually displays the following message "M_EL1 - dimension is locked: dimension is used in a locked cube" One reason for the error could be the Hold functionality is triggered by the user as follows: A similar thing is with Enable Undo functionality as well. Both of this information could be found in modeler under Cube properties. Once both of the actions are released, an error will not appear anymore. After that users could continue adding the data or working on the architecture of the database. In case you try...
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