Hide and show setting with canvas

Hide and show setting with canvas

Back in 2023, Jedox introduced the new component of Canvas. Year after, it is widely used by organizations and Jedox users. Apart from standard functionalities which we covered: https://jedox4beginners.com/canvas-kpi-cards-in-jedox-a-comprehensive-guide/ today we present a trick of how to hide combo boxes, labels, checkboxes and rows individually in a report for a smoother look and feel for the customer. For this exercise, we will show how this combines with the reports coming from our BPA models. In case you want to learn more about them you can check it here. https://knowledgebase.jedox.com/models/accelerators/best-practice-accelerator.htm You can hide a whole stack with one setting. Happy canvassing! ...
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Mastering Jedox Cell Locking: 5 Methods for Data Protection

Mastering Jedox Cell Locking: 5 Methods for Data Protection

Introduction In this guide, we'll explore five methods to automate cell locking and unlocking, catering to both manual and dynamic scenarios. Whether it's manual intervention, central control, or dependency on specific parameters, Jedox offers versatile solutions to meet your data protection needs. Let's start. Manual Lock and Unlock: Empowering Users with Control Learn how to manually lock and unlock cells directly from the spreadsheet interface, giving users immediate control over data access and modification permissions. Central Control Button: Streamlining Administrative Oversight Discover the central control button feature, enabling administrators to swiftly lock cells across reports, ensuring data integrity and enforcing security policies. By creating a central setting element, we can access this value from any other report section or control dashboard. In this example, we will keep it on the same page. Automatic Lock Based on Time Parameters: Explore the functionality to automatically lock cells based on time parameters such as month, day, or hour. By setting predefined schedules, ensure data confidentiality and prevent unauthorized modifications...
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How to Create Bubble Chart in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

How to Create Bubble Chart in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

Bubble charts are powerful visualization tools that can effectively represent three data dimensions simultaneously: the x-axis, y-axis, and the size of the bubbles. In Jedox, creating a bubble chart is a straightforward process that allows users to gain insights into their data relationships with ease. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to create compelling bubble charts in Jedox, catering specifically to beginners. Understanding Bubble Charts: Before diving into the creation process, it's essential to understand the fundamental components of a bubble chart. Unlike traditional charts like line or bar graphs, bubble charts utilize bubbles to represent data points. The x and y-axes denote two dimensions of data, while the size of the bubbles indicates a third dimension. This unique representation enables users to visualize complex data relationships intuitively. Getting Started with Jedox: To create a bubble chart in Jedox, you'll need to access the Jedox Web interface. Once logged in, navigate to the Jedox Web Reports module to begin building your chart. Step...
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HTML custom meter bar in Jedox

HTML custom meter bar in Jedox

Jedox is a powerful tool for spreadsheet-based planning, analysis, and reporting. One of its features is the ability to customize spreadsheets using HTML and CSS, allowing users to create visually appealing and interactive dashboards directly within their Jedox environment. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating HTML and CSS code into your Jedox spreadsheets, enabling you to design stunning visualizations and enhance the user experience. Step 1: Setting Up Your Jedox Spreadsheet First, open your Jedox environment and navigate to the spreadsheet where you want to implement custom styling. Create a new worksheet or open an existing one where you'd like to add visual elements. Step 2: Adding HTML and CSS Code Once you've selected your worksheet, you can start adding HTML and CSS code to customize its appearance. For example, let's say you want to create a meter bar to track project completion or budget consumption %. You can use the following code: <style> meter { ...
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Embed Power BI reports in the Jedox

Embed Power BI reports in the Jedox

Last time we learned how to connect Jedox with Power BI via oData and how to utilize the Jedox planning capability in the Power BI Dashboard. https://jedox4beginners.com/connect-jedox-cloud-and-powerbi/ Today, we go another direction and present the case where we will show how to embed Power BI reports inside the Jedox. In the realm of business intelligence, using the power of multiple tools can lead to unparalleled insights. In this guide, we'll explore the integration of Power BI reports into Jedox, unlocking a synergy that amplifies your analytical capabilities. Follow these straightforward steps to embed a Power BI report into your Jedox environment: Step 1: Create a Power BI Dashboard Begin by logging into your Power BI account and crafting a comprehensive dashboard that encapsulates the data you wish to analyze. Ensure that the visuals and insights align with your business objectives, offering a clear representation of the information you aim to convey. Step 2: Embed the Power BI Report Once your Power BI dashboard is polished, navigate...
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Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

In the world of data analysis, Jedox brings some handy tools to the table - Data Drillthrough and Drill Anywhere. Let’s break down what they do and why they matter to you. What's Data Drillthrough? Data Drillthrough in Jedox lets you quickly access extra info without jumping around different reports. For example, if you're checking out Orders by Product and want to know more about the Customers for each product, Drillthrough has your back. Using it is a breeze. In Jedox Views, just right-click on a number, choose Drillthrough, and bam! You get a new table with more details. You can customize it to show just what you need.And if you're using Web Spreadsheets, you can export the data as a CSV or XLSX file. One thing to keep in mind – the CSV file sticks to English number formatting, even if your language settings are different. Just import it into Excel, and you’re good to go. Here's a quick tip: in Drillthrough results,...
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How to Create Success Charts in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

How to Create Success Charts in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

Hey there, it's been a while! Today, I want to discuss creating your own success or progress charts in Jedox. These charts help us understand how things are going, like how much we sell and how much we make. We'll use info from our BikerBest data and look at four areas: East, West, North, and South. The chart will show us how much things changed from one year to the next. If something is red, it means it's the minimum value for that product in all the areas. If it's green, it means it's the maximal. We can even use different things like bars, rockets, or hearts to show the info. Fun, right? So, let's jump right in and learn how to make our own special chart in Jedox. Don't worry, it's not hard! Just follow these steps: Steps for creating a success chart Pick the Numbers: Choose the things you want to show in your chart from the BikerBest data. Maybe it's...
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Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Are you looking for an efficient way to manage and organize your reports in Jedox? This guide will explore how to export folders and files from Jedox Report Designer and transform them into a dynamic dimension of elements within the Modeler. By leveraging the paths as attributes, we can create an easily navigable system to represent all reports in the Jedox environment, enhancing user experience and productivity. Export the project from here. Exporting Folders and Files from Jedox Report Designer Organize Your Reports: Ensure your reports are systematically organized within the Jedox Report Designer for exporting. Export Data to Modeler: Utilize the ETL Integrator to transfer folders and file names as dimension elements to the Modeler. Check the project for the details. Creating a Dimension with File Paths as Attributes Set Up the Dimension: In the Modeler, create a new dimension with the exported file paths as attributes, allowing for a representation of the report structure. Configure Attribute Settings: Customize the attribute settings to ensure navigation and...
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Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox

Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox

Are you new to Jedox and want to learn how to create eye-catching charts for your reports? Combo charts in Jedox are a great way to present data that combines different types of information, and they are especially helpful when you want to visualize data in a simple and engaging way. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a combo chart in Jedox, and we'll explore the types of reports where this chart can be particularly useful. What is a Combo Chart? A combo chart in Jedox combines two different types of charts in one visual representation. You can have one chart type, such as columns or bars, representing one set of data, and another chart type, like a line chart, representing a different set of data on the same graph. This combination allows you to compare data sets that might have different scales or units of measurement. Creating a Combo Chart in Jedox Prepare Your Data: Make sure...
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VisualVibe 275 – Jedox KPI Cards 🔵🔴🟢 🟡

VisualVibe 275 – Jedox KPI Cards 🔵🔴🟢 🟡

Hey there, fellow data enthusiasts! After an intensive two-year endeavour, We are thrilled to reveal a visual solution for Jedox users worldwide. Presenting an inspiring colour palette exclusively designed for KPI cards across 10 diverse industries. This innovative palette isn't just about colours – it's a toolkit that promises to speed up your dashboard creation, aid in design decisions, and provide plenty of alternatives and examples. Say goodbye to hours spent deliberating over colours, fonts, and alignments – with our palette, you'll have the visual power you need to craft stunning, industry-specific KPI cards. Elevate your data representation and navigate your dashboards forward! 🚀🎨📈 NOTE: This feature only works with Jedox 2023.2 versions and newer. If you think some of these can fit your dashboards you can download them from here. But if you like to support every donation would be appreciated. ...
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