How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

In today's data-driven world, integrating various systems and services is essential for efficient data management and analysis. Connecting Amazon S3, a powerful cloud storage service, with Jedox, a leading enterprise planning and analytics platform, can streamline data workflows and enhance decision-making processes. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up a REST connection between Amazon S3 and Jedox. Prerequisites Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites: Amazon Account Creation: If you haven't already, sign up for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account here. Creating an S3 Bucket: Log in to the AWS Management Console and create a bucket in Amazon S3 to store your data. Generating a Policy: Generate a policy in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define permissions for accessing the S3 bucket. Uploading a File to the Bucket: Upload a file to the S3 bucket to test the connection. Creating a Role: Create an IAM role to grant access to AWS resources. Creating a REST API: Set...
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