Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

In the world of data analysis, Jedox brings some handy tools to the table - Data Drillthrough and Drill Anywhere. Let’s break down what they do and why they matter to you. What's Data Drillthrough? Data Drillthrough in Jedox lets you quickly access extra info without jumping around different reports. For example, if you're checking out Orders by Product and want to know more about the Customers for each product, Drillthrough has your back. Using it is a breeze. In Jedox Views, just right-click on a number, choose Drillthrough, and bam! You get a new table with more details. You can customize it to show just what you need.And if you're using Web Spreadsheets, you can export the data as a CSV or XLSX file. One thing to keep in mind – the CSV file sticks to English number formatting, even if your language settings are different. Just import it into Excel, and you’re good to go. Here's a quick tip: in Drillthrough results,...
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VisualVibe 275 – Jedox KPI Cards πŸ”΅πŸ”΄πŸŸ’ 🟑

VisualVibe 275 – Jedox KPI Cards πŸ”΅πŸ”΄πŸŸ’ 🟑

Hey there, fellow data enthusiasts! After an intensive two-year endeavour, We are thrilled to reveal a visual solution for Jedox users worldwide. Presenting an inspiring colour palette exclusively designed for KPI cards across 10 diverse industries. This innovative palette isn't just about colours – it's a toolkit that promises to speed up your dashboard creation, aid in design decisions, and provide plenty of alternatives and examples. Say goodbye to hours spent deliberating over colours, fonts, and alignments – with our palette, you'll have the visual power you need to craft stunning, industry-specific KPI cards. Elevate your data representation and navigate your dashboards forward! πŸš€πŸŽ¨πŸ“ˆ NOTE: This feature only works with Jedox 2023.2 versions and newer. If you think some of these can fit your dashboards you can download them from here. But if you like to support every donation would be appreciated. ...
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Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox provide a powerful way to display summary measures from your data and assess the status of an action against a target or comparison value. They were introduced with version 2023.2 and expanded Canvas capabilities to another level. These visually engaging KPI Cards allow users to track and communicate progress toward measurable goals easily. In order to start using them you need to create a new Canvas type of report in the Report Manager. After that, from the left side, you will be able to see the Components section. Format Tab When you add a KPI Card to your Canvas, a dialogue box with two tabs appears on the right side of the screen. The Format tab allows you to customize properties such as name, width, padding, margin, background colour, and radius. Moreover, the Format tab's lower section allows you to personalize the font style and alignment of different sections within the KPI Card, such as Title, Value, and Comparison. Data...
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