Welcome to the UEFA 2024 Prediction Game! ⚽⚽⚽

Welcome to the UEFA 2024 Prediction Game! ⚽⚽⚽

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our UEFA2024 Prediction Game, built-in Jedox! This interactive and competitive game is designed to enhance your EURO 2024 experience, allowing you to predict match outcomes, identify top players, and ultimately challenge your football knowledge against fellow enthusiasts. Here’s everything you need to know to get started and make the most of this exciting application. https://youtu.be/36MhQiqttSU Key Features of the Prediction Game Our application offers several user-friendly features designed to keep you engaged throughout the tournament: Menu: The main hub where you can navigate to various sections of the game. Input Screen: Submit your predictions for each game, including match winners and goal counts. Leaderboard: Track your ranking and compare your performance with other players. Top Scorer, MVP, and Champion Predictions: Make your picks for the tournament’s best player, top scorer, and the winning team. Daily Player Predictions: Review and submit daily predictions, with opponent predictions revealed after kick-off to ensure fair play. My Results: Check your past predictions and see how...
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How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

How to Connect Amazon S3 and Jedox via REST Connection

In today's data-driven world, integrating various systems and services is essential for efficient data management and analysis. Connecting Amazon S3, a powerful cloud storage service, with Jedox, a leading enterprise planning and analytics platform, can streamline data workflows and enhance decision-making processes. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up a REST connection between Amazon S3 and Jedox. Prerequisites Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites: Amazon Account Creation: If you haven't already, sign up for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account here. Creating an S3 Bucket: Log in to the AWS Management Console and create a bucket in Amazon S3 to store your data. Generating a Policy: Generate a policy in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define permissions for accessing the S3 bucket. Uploading a File to the Bucket: Upload a file to the S3 bucket to test the connection. Creating a Role: Create an IAM role to grant access to AWS resources. Creating a REST API: Set...
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Subsets, Lists and Virtual Dimensions in Jedox

Subsets, Lists and Virtual Dimensions in Jedox

In the realm of Jedox, manoeuvring through different data structures such as subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists can feel like finding your way through a maze. Each of these possibilities has its unique function, and knowing how and when to utilize them can greatly improve your Jedox usage. This guide will explore subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists in-depth, covering their uses, benefits, drawbacks, and the optimal situations for integrating them into your Jedox endeavours. Subsets Subsets in Jedox act as filtered views of dimensions, allowing users to focus on specific elements within a dimension. They are useful for simplifying data analysis and report generation by narrowing the scope of data to relevant subsets. They can be static or dynamic, meaning they can either have fixed elements or dynamically adjust based on specified criteria. Within Jedox subsets, users can filter elements by including or excluding specific ones, applying dynamic criteria like numerical, text, or date ranges, leveraging hierarchical relationships to select entire branches...
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Data Synchronization in Jedox: A Practical Guide

Data Synchronization in Jedox: A Practical Guide

In today's tech-driven world, keeping your development and testing instances in sync with your live instance is crucial. This ensures that your data is up to date and reflects the latest changes. Synchronization, and in this guide, we'll explore how to make the most of it. From Hours to Clicks - Simplifying Server Synchronization with Jedox In the old days, syncing instances was slower and users needed to understand navigating a labyrinth of steps, consuming valuable hours. Usually, it looked something like this: Step 1: Exporting and Uploading Reports Traditionally, exporting all reports in pb format from one instance and uploading them to another was the go-to method. It worked, but the time invested was significant. Step 2: Database Dilemma Downloading databases one by one or employing scripts was another strategy. Dealing with gigantic databases often meant resorting to backend uploads via tools like WinSCP, followed by the not-so-fun task of restarting services. However, user headaches emerged. Uploading the System Database after the second step led...
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Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

Jedox Drill Features: Making Data Analysis Easy

In the world of data analysis, Jedox brings some handy tools to the table - Data Drillthrough and Drill Anywhere. Let’s break down what they do and why they matter to you. What's Data Drillthrough? Data Drillthrough in Jedox lets you quickly access extra info without jumping around different reports. For example, if you're checking out Orders by Product and want to know more about the Customers for each product, Drillthrough has your back. Using it is a breeze. In Jedox Views, just right-click on a number, choose Drillthrough, and bam! You get a new table with more details. You can customize it to show just what you need.And if you're using Web Spreadsheets, you can export the data as a CSV or XLSX file. One thing to keep in mind – the CSV file sticks to English number formatting, even if your language settings are different. Just import it into Excel, and you’re good to go. Here's a quick tip: in Drillthrough results,...
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How to Create Success Charts in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

How to Create Success Charts in Jedox: A Beginner’s Guide!

Hey there, it's been a while! Today, I want to discuss creating your own success or progress charts in Jedox. These charts help us understand how things are going, like how much we sell and how much we make. We'll use info from our BikerBest data and look at four areas: East, West, North, and South. The chart will show us how much things changed from one year to the next. If something is red, it means it's the minimum value for that product in all the areas. If it's green, it means it's the maximal. We can even use different things like bars, rockets, or hearts to show the info. Fun, right? So, let's jump right in and learn how to make our own special chart in Jedox. Don't worry, it's not hard! Just follow these steps: Steps for creating a success chart Pick the Numbers: Choose the things you want to show in your chart from the BikerBest data. Maybe it's...
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ERROR: portal “C_1” does not exist

ERROR: portal “C_1” does not exist

Sometimes while loading via Relational load you might stumble upon the following error: Cannot load data into table XXX: ERROR: portal "C_1" does not exist(load New Relational load) Although I am not sure for the real reason of this error, it is worth of looking and Fetch Modes for PostgreSQL. For a PostgreSQL database, you can adjust the fetch mode as follows:Buffered (default): the query result is returned with buffering. In this case, no parallel queries to the same PostgreSQL Server are possible.Full: PostgreSQL returns the query result in one block. This is potentially slower, with higher memory consumption. It should only be set if the connection is used in several components that are processed in parallel during a load, e.g. several PostgreSQL extracts that are joined in a transform, an extract, and a load on the same PostgreSQL connection or when using parallel jobs. (Note that in those cases, if the fetch mode is not set to "full" this might lead to an error...
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Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Report Management in Jedox: Converting report paths to dimension elements

Are you looking for an efficient way to manage and organize your reports in Jedox? This guide will explore how to export folders and files from Jedox Report Designer and transform them into a dynamic dimension of elements within the Modeler. By leveraging the paths as attributes, we can create an easily navigable system to represent all reports in the Jedox environment, enhancing user experience and productivity. Export the project from here. Exporting Folders and Files from Jedox Report Designer Organize Your Reports: Ensure your reports are systematically organized within the Jedox Report Designer for exporting. Export Data to Modeler: Utilize the ETL Integrator to transfer folders and file names as dimension elements to the Modeler. Check the project for the details. Creating a Dimension with File Paths as Attributes Set Up the Dimension: In the Modeler, create a new dimension with the exported file paths as attributes, allowing for a representation of the report structure. Configure Attribute Settings: Customize the attribute settings to ensure navigation and...
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Charting New Horizons: Navigating Stock and Commodities Markets with Jedox 📈📊

Charting New Horizons: Navigating Stock and Commodities Markets with Jedox 📈📊

Hello dear Jedox beginners, In this post, we will take an unusual path and instead of connecting to usual business tools, we will try to extract the commodity and stock data. To do that we will connect to free API at https://www.alphavantage.co/. Alpha Vantage is a financial data provider that offers a wide range of financial market data and services. It provides access to historical and real-time market data for various asset classes, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex (foreign exchange), and more. At this moment we will focus on commodity data. The connection will be Rest type and the extract will be from JSON. Technical details for commodities API Resource is: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=${Commodity}&interval=daily&apikey=${API} where API Parameters are ❚ Required: function The function of your choice. In this case, function=BRENT which is crude oil. A list of the commodities will come with the model ❚ Optional: interval By default, interval=monthly. Strings daily, weekly, and monthly are accepted. ❚ Optional: datatype By default, datatype=json. Strings json and csv are accepted with the following specifications: json returns the time series in JSON format; csv returns the time series as a CSV (comma-separated value) file. ❚...
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Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide

Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox provide a powerful way to display summary measures from your data and assess the status of an action against a target or comparison value. They were introduced with version 2023.2 and expanded Canvas capabilities to another level. These visually engaging KPI Cards allow users to track and communicate progress toward measurable goals easily. In order to start using them you need to create a new Canvas type of report in the Report Manager. After that, from the left side, you will be able to see the Components section. Format Tab When you add a KPI Card to your Canvas, a dialogue box with two tabs appears on the right side of the screen. The Format tab allows you to customize properties such as name, width, padding, margin, background colour, and radius. Moreover, the Format tab's lower section allows you to personalize the font style and alignment of different sections within the KPI Card, such as Title, Value, and Comparison. Data...
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