In today’s fast-paced digital world, finding information quickly is crucial. At, we are excited to introduce a powerful new feature to make your experience smoother: our interactive chatbot. This smart tool allows you to ask any question, and the bot will search our website to find the answers you need. Here’s how you can use our chatbot and the benefits it brings.

How to Use Our Chatbot

Using our chatbot is simple:

Access the Chatbot: Click the chat icon at the bottom right corner of our website.
Ask Your Question: Type your question about Jedox, such as “How to create a new project in Jedox?“.
Receive Instant Answers: The bot quickly searches our website and provides relevant information.
Follow-Up Questions: Continue the conversation if you need more details.1

Benefits of Using the Chatbot

  1. Time-Saving
    The bot saves you time by providing instant answers, so you don’t have to browse through multiple pages.
  2. Enhanced User Experience
    It makes navigating our website easier and more efficient, offering a pleasant and productive experience.
  3. Discover Most Searchable Items
    The bot helps us identify the most searchable topics, allowing us to improve and expand our content.
  4. Continuous Improvement
    As the chatbot learns from user interactions, it becomes smarter and more efficient over time, enhancing its usefulness.

Our Commitment to Quality Content

At, we are dedicated to providing high-quality content. Insights from bot interactions help us understand your needs and improve our offerings. Your feedback is valuable, so please let us know if the chatbot isn’t meeting your expectations or if you have suggestions for new topics.

Happy exploring we hope you will find all your answers here!

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