Data Synchronization in Jedox: A Practical Guide

Data Synchronization in Jedox: A Practical Guide

In today's tech-driven world, keeping your development and testing instances in sync with your live instance is crucial. This ensures that your data is up to date and reflects the latest changes. Synchronization, and in this guide, we'll explore how to make the most of it. From Hours to Clicks - Simplifying Server Synchronization with Jedox In the old days, syncing instances was slower and users needed to understand navigating a labyrinth of steps, consuming valuable hours. Usually, it looked something like this: Step 1: Exporting and Uploading Reports Traditionally, exporting all reports in pb format from one instance and uploading them to another was the go-to method. It worked, but the time invested was significant. Step 2: Database Dilemma Downloading databases one by one or employing scripts was another strategy. Dealing with gigantic databases often meant resorting to backend uploads via tools like WinSCP, followed by the not-so-fun task of restarting services. However, user headaches emerged. Uploading the System Database after the second step led...
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