Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox: A Comprehensive Guide
Canvas KPI Cards in Jedox provide a powerful way to display summary measures from your data and assess the status of an action against a target or comparison value. They were introduced with version 2023.2 and expanded Canvas capabilities to another level. These visually engaging KPI Cards allow users to track and communicate progress toward measurable goals easily.
In order to start using them you need to create a new Canvas type of report in the Report Manager. After that, from the left side, you will be able to see the Components section.
Format Tab
When you add a KPI Card to your Canvas, a dialogue box with two tabs appears on the right side of the screen. The Format tab allows you to customize properties such as name, width, padding, margin, background colour, and radius.
Moreover, the Format tab's lower section allows you to personalize the font style and alignment of different sections within the KPI Card, such as Title, Value, and Comparison.