Palo.ini standard configurations
Palo.ini is a configuration file where superusers (the ones who administrate the server) could add or remove some functionalities of Jedox. It is located in data folder and on-premise could be accessed at this address <instalation folder>/Jedox/Jedox Suite/olap/data. Edit is possible if you do the right click and edit it. For this purpose, we will open it via standard Notepad.
Standard palo.ini
Lines starting with # are commented configurations and therefore will not be executed. The line will be skipped and the next one will be processed. More about palo.ini can be found on this link.
Here are the explanations of the lines:
http line represents the IP and port where jedox can be accessed.log sink is the location of the file where OLAP logs will be writtensplash-limit 1000 shows an error if splashing requires more space than the first number. 500 shows a warning if splashing requires more space than the second number. 100 Shows info if splashing requires more space than the...