In today’s tech-driven world, keeping your development and testing instances in sync with your live instance is crucial. This ensures that your data is up to date and reflects the latest changes. Synchronization, and in this guide, we’ll explore how to make the most of it.
From Hours to Clicks – Simplifying Server Synchronization with Jedox
In the old days, syncing instances was slower and users needed to understand navigating a labyrinth of steps, consuming valuable hours. Usually, it looked something like this:
Step 1: Exporting and Uploading Reports
Traditionally, exporting all reports in pb format from one instance and uploading them to another was the go-to method. It worked, but the time invested was significant.
Step 2: Database Dilemma
Downloading databases one by one or employing scripts was another strategy. Dealing with gigantic databases often meant resorting to backend uploads via tools like WinSCP, followed by the not-so-fun task of restarting services. However, user headaches emerged. Uploading the System Database after the second step led to the loss of user rights – a timing puzzle.
Scenario 3: Integrator Jigsaw
Exporting Integrator projects one by one added to the manual labour. Each project required attention, contributing to the cumulative hours spent on synchronization.
Now, Jedox offers a handy feature known as Instance Synchronization, and in this guide, we’ll explore how to make the most of it.
Getting Started
To kick off the synchronization process, log in to your Cloud Console and head over to the SYNCHRONIZE ENVIRONMENT tab bar. From there, you can easily set the source instance from which the data should be copied.

One notable aspect is that the production instance, the live heartbeat of your operation, can’t be synchronized with others directly. For any data synchronization involving the production instance, it’s advised to reach out to Jedox Support.
Customize Your Sync
Jedox gives you the flexibility to decide the extent of your synchronization. Do you want to replicate everything from the source instance, or are you looking for a more selective approach? The choice is yours.
You can opt for full data synchronization, overwriting everything in the target environment. Alternatively, uncheck the option to synchronize only selected items, such as Modeler, Data Folders, Integrator projects, Designer reports, Config Database, Database Packages, System Database, and Supervision Server Scripts.

Easy as a Button Click
Once your preferences are set, initiate the process with a simple click on the “Mirror Instance” button. Keep in mind that during synchronization, the instance is marked as “Under Construction” until the process is complete.
Each synchronization automatically generates a backup, providing peace of mind. These backups are stored for 7 days and can be restored by contacting Jedox Support.
Why Choose Jedox Instance Synchronization?
- User-Friendly: With a straightforward interface, even non-native English speakers can easily navigate and set up synchronization.
- Customization: Tailor your synchronization to fit your needs, whether it’s a full data replication or a selective update of specific items.
- Backup Assurance: Jedox automatically creates backups during synchronization, providing a safety net for any unforeseen issues.
In conclusion, with Jedox Instance Synchronization, you’re not just moving data; you’re streamlining your workflow. Keep your instances in harmony and focus on what matters most – your business.