Creating sudoku in Jedox
Primarily designed as a planning tool, Jedox offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to development. If we forget for a second HR, cost center, or some financial consolidation model and let our creative mind flow, we could come to this kind of application. Sudoku is a game that is designed in matrix form where the goal is to fill the cells with numbers from 1 to 9 that are not repeating on any axes.
For our little project, we will design a database that will keep scores of users and set up the Sudoku.
Dimensions inside will be:
User (Copied from System database)
Version of Sudoku [Easy,Medium,Advanced]
Measure [Duration]
For the Sudoku setup itself, we would have two dimensions Xaxe and Uaxe. Series of conditional formatting values will be responsible for checking if the numbers are in the correct order.
Here you can find the whole project.