Subsets, Lists and Virtual Dimensions in Jedox
In the realm of Jedox, manoeuvring through different data structures such as subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists can feel like finding your way through a maze. Each of these possibilities has its unique function, and knowing how and when to utilize them can greatly improve your Jedox usage. This guide will explore subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists in-depth, covering their uses, benefits, drawbacks, and the optimal situations for integrating them into your Jedox endeavours.
Subsets in Jedox act as filtered views of dimensions, allowing users to focus on specific elements within a dimension. They are useful for simplifying data analysis and report generation by narrowing the scope of data to relevant subsets. They can be static or dynamic, meaning they can either have fixed elements or dynamically adjust based on specified criteria. Within Jedox subsets, users can filter elements by including or excluding specific ones, applying dynamic criteria like numerical, text, or date ranges, leveraging hierarchical relationships to select entire branches...