Jedox password policy
Starting from 2022.2 version Jedox implemented password policy change. That means that users cannot have abc123 passwords. Something more sophisticated should be done. Therefor certain rules needs to be followed:
at least 10 characters
at least one digit
at least one of the symbols !@#$%^&*
at least one uppercase or lowercase letter [A-Z] [a-z]
cannot contain a period or space
Example: Q20J!b5ei0951
This policy can be changed if the company has different set of rules. in that case parameter password-pattern in palo.ini allows you to change the password settings concerning the password length and the password pattern/complexity. Any attempt to change the password that does not match the defined pattern will result in an error displayed in the Change Password dialog. The password pattern can be defined by the key password-pattern <regular_expression>. If the new password does not match the pattern, an error message (error code 1004) is returned. <according to KB>.
if in any case you built up the ETL which automatically assign the passwords to newly created users, groovy should look something like this:
def user = API.getProperty('user');
def generator = { String alphabet, int...