Hide panel from the side when logging to Jedox.
When we log in Jedox for the first time, we could see that on the left side panel is open by default. This is very usefull because developers of the application and other users with higher role could publish reports. On the other hand if the user is just a planner or a viewer he/she might get confused with the meaning of that panel. Most of the time customers do not even want to allow the users to see anything else except the report.
So if you would like this panel to be hidden by default, the following setting needs to be applied to #_USER_USER_PROPERTIES cube. In case you are not sure where this cube can be found -> it is in the System database.
Code to apply
After applying this setting when the user logs in for the first time* panel should be hidden.
Hidden panel
In order to apply this to all users, a simple ETL could be built which would input...