In the realm of Jedox, manoeuvring through different data structures such as subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists can feel like finding your way through a maze. Each of these possibilities has its unique function, and knowing how and when to utilize them can greatly improve your Jedox usage. This guide will explore subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists in-depth, covering their uses, benefits, drawbacks, and the optimal situations for integrating them into your Jedox endeavours.
Subsets in Jedox act as filtered views of dimensions, allowing users to focus on specific elements within a dimension. They are useful for simplifying data analysis and report generation by narrowing the scope of data to relevant subsets. They can be static or dynamic, meaning they can either have fixed elements or dynamically adjust based on specified criteria. Within Jedox subsets, users can filter elements by including or excluding specific ones, applying dynamic criteria like numerical, text, or date ranges, leveraging hierarchical relationships to select entire branches or levels, and combining multiple filters using logical operators (AND, OR) for precise data subset creation.
In this example, we will create a subset of products which have the attribute “Blue”, their sold Units are bigger than 0 and we will show total Bikes as a reference on the bottom. Subsets can be created from Modeler->Database->Dimension->Dimension Properties>Subsets. More about filters can be found here. We can also store subsets, so we can use them in any View, Dynarange, for element extraction in ETL, Global Rules etc. Subsets can be “Global” which means visible for all and “Private” visible only for the user who created it. Since subsets restrict the amount of data queried, they can improve the performance of Jedox applications by reducing computational overhead.

Lists in Jedox serve as containers for storing and organizing dimension elements for specific use cases or scenarios. They provide a means to group related elements across dimensions, offering a versatile tool for data manipulation and analysis. Lists can be created in Modeler->Database->Lists and can be reused across different reports, and analyses. In the following example, we will create a list of 3 elements. 1st and 2nd columns would present data for 2024, Bikes and Actual or Budget versions, 3rd the element will be a custom calculation of the first two elements. Note that you can also set formats for every element from this list. ProTip (Elements in the Calculation row are added by clicking CTRL+Space at the same time)

Lists in Jedox provide a means to organize and group dimension elements for specific use cases or scenarios, enhancing data management and analysis.
Virtual Dimensions
Virtual dimensions extend the capabilities of traditional dimensions by introducing additional layers of organization without altering the underlying data structure. They are particularly handy when dealing with hierarchical data or when you need to group related elements across different dimensions. Virtual dimensions enable the creation of multi-level hierarchies, facilitating more sophisticated analyses and reporting. They offer scalability by allowing the creation of custom hierarchies without modifying the original dimension structure. We can create them by going to Modeler->Database->Dimension->Dimension Properties>Attributes and then checking the Virtual checkbox.

In our example, we will create a Virtual dimension for Color on top of the Product Elements. The goal is to have a parallel hierarchy of Colors without touching the original dimension structure. The prerequisite would be to create the attribute Color and fill the attribute with a proper name. ProTip (you can do it via Integrator by using the Split function since colour is a part of the element name in this case).

Our Virtual dimension will look like this:

Have you noticed how elements are coloured based on their attribute? 😉
When deciding between subsets, virtual dimensions, and lists in Jedox, consider the specific requirements of your project and the nature of your data. Subsets are ideal for simplifying data access and analysis within individual dimensions, while virtual dimensions offer greater flexibility for hierarchical modelling and cross-dimensional analysis. Lists, on the other hand, provide a means to organize and group dimension elements for specific use cases or scenarios.
Full project with Examples can be downloaded here. Including DB.