Unable to click save button in Jedox ETL

Unable to click save button in Jedox ETL

Hi Jedox beginners, How many times has it happened that while working on your super complex ETLs, the save button becomes unclickable? It can become really annoying problem, especially if you spent a decent amount of time in front of the PC. Until now, the problem could be solved by: Clicking Test button before and then pop up with "Save button" will appear Log out, delete cache and log in again. Since both solutions bring anxiety to your hands, simple CTRL + S typing on the keyboard is enabling the SAVE button again. Click now and thank us later....
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Dynamic denormalization

Dynamic denormalization

One of the commonly used transformations in ETL is Table denormalization. Denormalization is the reverse of normalization. Row-based data with key-value pairs is transposed into column-based data. This allows an OLAP model with one measure in each row (with the measure name as a key) to be arranged into a relational model in which the measures are held in various columns. Jedox knowledge base In typical table denormalization, Measure fields are populated by the rows which we want to see in columns. Usually, it's enough to do it one by one but sometimes it happens that there are 30 or 50 elements that needed to be transposed into the columns. For that reason, we will use a little trick that can be found in Advanced settings. In case you are not familiar with this type of transformation here is the link that can help. Our file contains 3 columns and one of them contains data that should be denormalized. Instead of using static measures, we will introduce...
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How to rename elements from Jedox ETL?

How to rename elements from Jedox ETL?

Sometimes it could happen that there is a request to rename element in modeler outside of the spreahsheet or manual. For that puspose we could use ETL and more speciefically groovy job. In following example we will show how to rename element from User dimension using groovy job. API.executeLoad("Users_Load"); LOG.info("Start renaming elements"); source = API.initSource("Users_Extract","EA",0); String oldNames = "joe"; String newNames = "Martin"; OLAP.erename("olapsystem","#_USER_",oldNames as String,newNames as String); LOG.info("Finished renaming elements"); In the graph we could see that for this action we need: Extract from dimension Connection to dimension ETL is extracting all elements and then searching for joe and replacing it with Martin. ETL project could be downloaded on this link. Other PHP APIs could be found here ....
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