Understanding how to create and use Calendar Extracts in Jedox is crucial for effective time-based analysis. Calendar Extracts are essential for breaking down your data into manageable and meaningful periods, like months, years, or Life to Date (LTD) views. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to set up these patterns in Jedox and explore real-life scenarios where each pattern is most effective.

What is a Calendar Extract in Jedox?

A Calendar Extract in Jedox Integrator is a feature that allows you to filter and segment your data based on time periods such as months, years, or the cumulative period up to the current date (Life to Date). This is particularly useful for generating your Time dimensions and subsequently reports, dashboards, or performing time-series analysis. In this post, we will focus on 3 common use cases:

Month Pattern – MTD captures data from the 1st of the month through to the most recent complete day.:

Use Case: Monthly financial reporting, monitoring sales trends, and short-term forecasting.
Example: A retail company tracking month-over-month sales to identify seasonal trends or promotional impacts.

MTD Calendar Extract

Year Pattern – YTD covers the timeframe from January 1st to today of same year:

Use Case: Annual budgeting, long-term performance analysis, and strategic planning.
Example: A manufacturing company reviewing year-over-year production output to adjust capacity planning.

YTD Calendar Extract

Life to Date Pattern – LTD covers everything from the inception of the data source (e.g., the start of a project or the founding of a company) up to today :

Use Case: Cumulative performance tracking, project management, and lifetime value analysis.
Example: A subscription service provider analyzing customer lifetime value to optimize marketing spend and retention strategies.

LTD Calendar Extract

Best Practices for Calendar Extracts

  • Keep It Dynamic: Use dynamic filters where possible to ensure your extracts automatically update with new data.
  • Consistent Naming Conventions: This helps maintain clarity, especially when dealing with multiple extracts.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review your extract patterns to ensure they align with your reporting needs and any changes in your business logic.

Mastering Calendar Extracts in Jedox enhances your ability to make informed decisions by effectively analyzing time-based data across months, years, or a project’s entire duration.

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