Create slideshow widget in Jedox
Jedox provides many possibilities when creating a report or a dashboard. Apart from native components like buttons, combo, and checkboxes, lists and dynaranges Jedox allow developers to code their own widgets. One of them could be the slideshow widget. This widget can make your dashboard more interactive and interesting.
Widgets in Jedox are coded via HTML and this is how you can create one.
For our example, we will use Biker's best database whereas for dimension Product we will add attribute images. Value of attribute is the location of the image behind [ Example /pr/jedox/images/Bikes/Mountain Bikes.png ]
Idea is to create an array of elements that could be used in the widget, which will contain:
Product Name
Product Image
Data of selected Measure
That we will do with Dynarange and it should look something like this:
Since coding behind the widget is a bit complex there will be a project available for download here.
To learn more about widgets and what possibilities you can have with them check the...