How to Use Drillthrough in Jedox with PostgreSQL
Drillthrough is a very useful feature in Jedox that helps users get more detailed data directly from their cubes. For example, when analyzing aggregated data, you can right-click on a cell in your report and see the detailed information behind it. This can save a lot of time when you need deeper insights without creating complex new reports.
In this article, I will explain:
Why drillthroughs are used.
What options do you have for setting up drillthrough.
A step-by-step guide on how to use PostgreSQL as a drillthrough source in Jedox.
A referral link to get started with a free PostgreSQL database on Aiven.
Why Use Drillthrough?
Drillthrough is commonly used in analytics to:
Quickly check the source data behind aggregated values.
Validate the data loaded into the cube.
Provide more transparency to report users who want to see raw data.
For example, if you have sales data aggregated by country, a drillthrough could show the transactions from individual stores or sales representatives in that country.
Options for Drillthrough in Jedox
In Jedox,...