Mapping Matrix
When working with dimensions like products there must be a use-case when mapping matrix is necessary. This little mapping matrix is used when there are certain years where some products are plannable and some others not. For this example, we will use the Mapping_Matrix database and cube Mapping Products.
This cube will contain dimensions like Years, Products, and Measures [not necesarry]. In some terminologies "Control cube " is also used.
As we could see from the image above in hidden columns we will store PALO.DATA formula. Behind the Check and Uncheck icons we could see the following code:
This hyperlink function just make difference if the value is 0 or higher. In case it's zero then every click on the iUncheck image will splash ! 1 on PALO.DATA function. Otherwise !0 would be splashed.
More on splashing commands can be found here.
The whole project can be downloaded from here....