Loading GPS Coordinates – Jedox XML Connection
Happy New Year, fellow Jedox enthusiasts! In today's article, we'll be delving into an interesting use case: extracting GPS coordinates in XML format from the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API (https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/). This adventure will involve using a constant table as a source for countries and cities, interacting with the Nominatim API to retrieve latitude and longitude data, and finally looping and storing this valuable information in the Jedox database. This type of use case is often visible when our cube contains a Geography dimension and then we would like to enhance attribute collection by additional parameters like latitude and longitude. These are very useful in case you would like to create a widget map. Something similar can be found:
Let us follow the next 4 Steps.
Step 1: The Constant Table:
In Jedox, we'll create a constant table containing a list of countries and cities. This table will serve as our foundation for the XML extraction process. Think of it as a map guiding us...