Setting up default page for groups – 3 ways
Setting the default page in Jedox for a specific group is not a big issue if your application contains a smaller number of groups. When a number of groups enlarge, we should look for a more alternative solution instead of checking the boxes one by one. This represents 1st way.
Information of the default homepage is stored in the dimension GROUP_PROPERTIES, more specifically in the prefs element.
More about the system database could be found here.
Once we check this box from picture one, XML code is immediately generated and information on the default page is written. This code could be now pasted in every other cell. In that way, we could significantly decrease the time of checking and as well automate a bit process. This represents 2nd way.
3rd way would be to use this code and copy it via ETL.
Import to have in mind is that once a new start page is chosen code needs to be arranged. Also, if the Start...