Mastering File Compression and Extraction in Jedox
Welcome, Jedox enthusiasts! In today's tutorial, we'll dive into file compression and extraction using Jedox, specifically, the powerful FILE.unzip function. As a prerequisite, we will need to create some folders in our backend which will be used for testing purposes.
Connect to your backend with some tool like WinSCP.
If you don't have your credentials check the cloud console.
If you do not have access to the cloud console - contact cloud support.
Once you are connected create 2 folders in /etl_data/files/etl_data/files/For Zipping/etl_data/files/For Unzipping
In "For Zipping" folder add Excel files 1,2,3.
In the "For Unzipping" folder add two zipped files "ZippedWithoutPass" and "ZippedWithPass".
The password for unzipping is in the file pass. (Download the whole project at the bottom of the page)
At the same time we need to create some directory and file locations in Jedox which will be used as a path for the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Compressing a File into a Zip Folder
The first scenario we'll explore is the basic compression of a...