In today’s data-driven world, integration between different platforms is essential for efficient workflow management and data analysis. With the latest integration of Google Sheets within Jedox with version 24.1, users can now combine the power of Jedox’s data management and analytics capabilities with the collaborative features of Google Sheets. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up this integration and harness its full potential.

Setting Up Google Cloud Project

The first step in integrating Google Sheets with Jedox is to create a Google Account if you don’t have one already. Then, head over to Google Cloud Console ( and create a new project.

Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID

Once the project is created navigate to the Credentials section in your Google Cloud Console and create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret. Make sure to specify the authorized UI as to generate Refresh and Access Tokens.

Generating Tokens with OAuth 2.0 Playground

Utilize the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground to generate Refresh and Access Tokens by providing your Client ID and Secret in the Playground configuration. Select the scopes and for Google Sheets API v4.

Refresh Token for Google Sheets

Configuring OAuth Tokens in Jedox and Connection

Now, it’s time to add the generated OAuth Access token to Jedox as a prerequisite for establishing the connection with Google Sheets. Within Jedox, you can create connections to Google Sheets by specifying the name or ID of the spreadsheet, along with the worksheet and range.

Loading Data from Jedox to Google Sheets

After extracting and analyzing data within Jedox, you may want to load the results back into Google Sheets for further collaboration or reporting. Utilizing the connection methods provided by Jedox, you can push data back into Google Sheets.

You have the flexibility to choose between different methods – Create, Update, and Add.

  • Create: Create a new spreadsheet with the specified name. If the spreadsheet already exists, it will be removed and a new one will be created.
  • Update: Update existing data in the spreadsheet. If the sheet doesn’t exist, a new one will be created.
  • Add: Append data to the existing sheet. You can define a start cell for the data to be added from.


Integrating GS with Jedox opens up a world of possibilities for collaborative data analysis and management. By following these simple steps, even beginners can harness the power of this integration to streamline their workflow and make data-driven decisions with ease.

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