Ascending and Descending sorting in Jedox

Ascending and Descending sorting in Jedox

In this blog post, you will be able to learn how to create ascending and descending sorting in Jedox based on the data value. This type of sorting is very valuable in cases when the end-users would like to make an analysis based on the best, worst-performing product, country, or customer. It can be combined with a top 10 analysis as well. This type of report we already covered in this post. As you are probably guessing, we will be heavily relying on the subset for this example. Our goal will be to create a report where the same data can be sorted based on 3 measures (Sales, Cost of Sales and Units). Ascending and Descending sorting will be based on countries. Like always, Biker's best will be our testing database. In our subset, we can see that sorting will be using PALO.D and there we will read from the orders cube. Only 10 countries will be selected and in the sort...
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How to copy database via ETL

How to copy database via ETL

In this article, we will show you how to copy databases via ETL. This method does not require a service restart. All you need is a groovy script that is run in Groovy job. For this example, we will use the "Demo" database. Groovy script copyJedoxDatabase( 'Demo', 'Demo_Copy' )void copyJedoxDatabase( String jedoxConnectionSrc, String jedoxDatabaseDst ) {String jedoxDatabaseSrc = OLAP.getDatabase( jedoxConnectionSrc ).getName()String backupFilename = API.getProperty( "Demo_Copy" ) + jedoxDatabaseSrc + '.zip'// Remove backupFile if exists (e.g. from a previous run)new File( backupFilename ).delete()IDatabase db = OLAP.getDatabase( jedoxConnectionSrc ) 'Saving database ' + jedoxDatabaseSrc + ' to ' + backupFilename )db.backup( backupFilename )IConnection conn = OLAP.getConnection( jedoxConnectionSrc ) 'Restoring database ' + jedoxDatabaseDst + ' from ' + backupFilename )conn.addDatabase( jedoxDatabaseDst, backupFilename )boolean fileSuccessfullyDeleted = new File( backupFilename ).delete()} Once the job is run, the new database will appear in the modeler. ETL job can be downloaded from this location....
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